I've gotten into pokefarm again, so RIP my pointer finger I guess. When I eventually make my pokemon page I'll include a section for pokefarm.
For now, here's my favourite pokemon I have:
I don't really do much besides hoarding eevees, but I do have some sorted fields of stuff to level for evolving, and I constant wonder trade cus sometimes you can get some crazy things through that (I got 2 shinies early today from wonder trade?? Those are literally my first ever shinies! I also get more eeveelutions for my hoard through it). Right now I really wanna get a shiny eevee to evolve into sylveon and then mega evolve to match my current mega evolution sylveon. That's gonna take a while probably, cus I'm not that active usually, I go months and months with no activity then I get a small burst where I'm super active. Maybe one day I can get shinies of all the eeveelutions. It's not even possible for me to get Albino or Melanistic pokemon right now so it's not even a goal. I also want to start a zigzagoon hoard, specifically galarian zigzagoon cus they're my favourite. I'd love to get a shiny of them. Maybe also a Tinkaton hoard? I'm not sure, cus I wanna focus on eevees/eeveelutions. I know that's probably a pretty common thing for people to like and hoard but I don't care cus I love them. Especially Sylveon. Our trans coloured icon. Just as I'm writing this I got a Glaceon from WT! Also in the background I'm binging BDG's Unravled series, I've rewatched it so many times but they're just such bangers. I have his pokerap stuck in my head.