I wonder if when I get a proper computer I'll have to re-do my layout? Cus I have no idea what this looks like on a big screen. I only have a laptop so on a lot of peoples' sites I have to zoom out to see things properly. It's not a problem really I just wonder about my own site. But I mean, that'll be a while from now. Computers are expensive. But I am probably gonna need one once I get into my game design course. Well, not need, but it would be good to have.
I actually have an unfinished game I've made with GB Studio. I really need to just finish it. All I really have to do is finish the ending cg, so it's not that hard. Mayyyyyyybe I'll post it on itch.io when I'm done and link it on my site. I wanna make more games. I guess that's the point of taking a game design course.
For a long time I've hated brushing my teeth and kinda neglected my dental health. But lately I've actually really enjoyed it? Idk the feeling of the toothbrush on my gums feels really nice, maybe cus they've been neglected for so long. But now it feels good. So hopefully I can get my dental health up. Maybe eventually my gums won't bleed every time I brush. But yeah, I'm having the urge to brush my teeth rn, probably cus I have an oral fixation (yay autism *unenthused*) but I shouldn't cus it's close to dinner and I also brushed them this morning. The main bad sensory thing with brushing teeth now is toothpaste, but the toothpaste me have rn isn't too bad, it's pretty mild.
Hm I feel like I didn't really do too much on the site today, then again I did take a 4-5 hour 'nap'. God I hope I can sleep at a decent time tonight, I don't have that much time to get this sleep schedule in check. Actually... it's exactly a week from now. Jesus. I'm terrified of uni, but I think that's normal (for me, like I know most people would be nervous for a big new thing like this, but ya know, anxiety disorder makes it *just a bit* worse). Fuckkkk the night before is gonna suck. I know my anxiety and how it rolls so I do not know if I will be able to sleep that night. Hopefully orientation will help with some nerves? I feel like this whole uni thing is gonna be testing how much I remember how to mask in a school environment. But then again, if I do just mask, isn't gonna end up the same way high school did? Crashing and burning? I don't know. I should've talked to my pyschologist about this shit. I'm sure everything'll be fine. I'll figure it out on the fly. I know this is just my anxiety going haywire, but anxiety's still gonna do what it wants anyway, no matter how logical I am.
Decided to put a content warning on this one. Nothing too crazy, but I figured I'd try it. Idk if I'll keep doing it? Maybe just for more triggering stuff. But hopefulyyyy that won't come up? I need to find a balance of talking about shit without oversharing too much. I'm even hesitant to keep this up cus it seems very overshare-y. We'll see I guess.